How to set up 3-way merge tool for git and p4 with vimdiff

Encountering a situation to resolve a merge conflict that is harder than usual as well as taking longer time won’t come in very often. Most of merge conflicts I have resolved can be easily done by looking at a linear 3-way diff view alone without a need to look at each separate content of each file.

A linear 3-way diff (that I’d like to say) is as follows

<<<<<<< HEAD
(text from your version)
||||||| cab9282
(text from original version)
(text from their version)
>>>>>>> feature_branch

Git 3-way linear diff format (need git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3). cab9282 is just an example of SHA1 for git hash.

>>>> ORIGINAL file#n
(text from original version)
==== THIERS file#m
(text from their version)
==== YOURS file#m
(text from your version)

Perforce 3-way linear diff format (by default)

But in a more complicated case, it is not enough to just take a look only at a linear 3-way diff format above. It’d be so helpful to see content in base, yours and theirs version. With the help of colorizing diff between each version, this would reduce time and reduce number of guesses from the one who would be merging.

Take a look at the scenario below

Imagine if changes from A to (B, C) deviates itself very far if compared to changes from A to D. Then to-be-merge-result of E would require much of effort. Sometimes automatic merge mechanism results in a mess state that is totally hard to guess which chunk either from base, yours or theirs version should be picked?? You know, sometimes chunk of codes just cut, and inserted out of nowhere. This is result from too deviated away, and much of work has been done around the same lines of code in two different branches. More full-fledge 3-way merge is needed in this case.

If you use GUI merge tool, and you probably are happy with it. Then the information listing here might not be too attractive to you. But if you’re command line-based users. Please read on.

A guide below is to set up your merge tool to use vimdiff with git, and perforce (p4.exe/p4 binaries). Note that we are not going to talk about how to use it here, but just setup.


We are done here. When you attempt to merge, and result in merge conflict. It usually displays the following lines

Auto-merging file1.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file1.txt
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Then you can execute git mergetool. It will show like in the following screen

git mergetool - 3way merge


Nowadays you can use p4.exe/p4 through WSL to work with both Windows-based, and Linux-based project. The guide listed in this section is based on WSL.

As you are aware, p4 binary needs to understand platform specific path. It has issue like this if try to use WSL-based p4 binary to work with Windows-based project. Anyway, WSL makes it easy to work across Windows/Linux platform now. So we can use p4.exe or switch to use p4 when need easily. Better utilize it unless it is fully Linux-only platform.

Windows-base p4

We are done. After attempt to do p4 resolve, and have merge conflicts. It will prompt you what to do in which it will provide you with a chance to do merge per file i.e. m key.

It will execute merge tool as we set up above. It shows the same screen output as can be seen in git section. But the linear diff format is different.

Linux-based p4


To fasten your process, you can use my repository haxpor/mergeconflict_repo which can trigger merge conflict right after merging from feature branch into master. My apology, I don’t have any perforce setup for you to test as it’s different beast for server to setup. Anyway with that repository, it’s enough to validate your vimdiff setup.

First published on August, 22, 2021

Written by Wasin Thonkaew
In case of reprinting, comments, suggestions
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